The Best Paid To Click ( PTC )
If you want to start with nothing and potentially build nothing into a good sum of money…compounding over time.So
Here Is The Strategy, To Earn 1000’s Of Dollar From Nothing Scroll
Down To See The Whole Process To Earn Lot Without Investing A Single
1) Signup and login to your account.
2) Go to “view activation ad” on the welcome page.
Every time you view these activation ads, you receive 25 bonus ad
points. So, if you view 80 activation ad, you will receive 2000 points.
You will then receive $1 worth of ads to click as soon as possible(2000
pts =$1 worth of ads to click).
4) Now you have
$1. Go and set up an ad campaign with that $1. After setting up the
ad, you will receive 3100 bonus points…which means $1.55 worth of ads
will be coming your way soon. Repeat this process, and you will grow
your money very quickly.
You can only view 5 activation ads in
24hrs. But be-aware that will probably change in the future. But by
then you will already be in good profit and just buying the ad packs
will be just fine.
If you don’t Understand Scroll Down To Read More ...
STEP 1: Simply CLICK HERE and then click CREATE ACCOUNT button.
STEP 2: After Clicking CREATE ACCOUNT button, Please Fill the required information.
In Page You Have To Fill 7 Fields:
1) Provide Your Username such as (Anyone, Blanker, etc) you can use any word including numbers.
2) Enter Your Email Address
3) Provide A Unique Password (6 Characters Minimum Length).
4) Type your password again in 4th field to confirm your password.
5) Select Your Date Of Birth.
6) Confirm your date of birth in 6th field.
7) After you fill all field then Click on OPEN ACCOUNT button to complete your registration process.
STEP 3: After Successful registration, Then Login to your account providing your USERNAME and PASSWORD. Then Click on LOGIN Button.
STEP 4: After login Click On ACTIVATION AD link, (Shown in below image). Every Day you can Only visit 5 Activation ads.
Each activation ad view, give you 100 BAP (Bonus Ad Point) after every 2000 BAP you get Paid Ads of value 1$. Like shown below:
Ad value is different for every user according to there activity. The value Of Paid AD is between 0.001$/Click to 15$/Click.